About us


Group 4 century has been established as a modern structural material’s manufacturer and started its work with manufacturing modular supports, then expanded its production to various fields of the construction industry.

This company produces its products in line with the world’s leading brands and along with an expert production team, by gathering experienced personnel in the field of installation facilities and using the graduates of prominent universities, has formed a technical engineering team for specialized council to esteemed employers.

Modern Installation Support

Easy and quick installation

high speed installation due to lack of need for welding, drilling and painting.

Engineering design

designed by considering the loads on the installation support according to the codes


cost optimization due to engineering design.

Ease of change

high flexibility to apply changes and replacement of bolt and nut system instead of welding.

Beautiful appearance

nuggets produced with suitable cover and beautiful appearance, especially for exposed roofs.

High shelf life

more durability due to galvanized coating and engineering design.

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